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Author Title Description Page
Steve Lagoon
Distant Starlight Problem

The Distant Starlight Problem

Page 1
Steve Lagoon
Genesis like Enuma Elish Myth

Is the Genesis Creation account a Myth like the Enuma Elish?

Page 1
Shawn Stevens

Darwin and the Races of Man

Page 1
Dr. Henry M. Morris
Bible vs Evoluton

Bible & Evolution

Page 1
James P and Dr Brian P.Beecken
Evolution Adult Fairy Tale

Evolution: Fairy Tales for Adults

Page 1
Ronald E. McRoberts, PhD
Evolution and Science

Evolution and the Scientific Method

Page 1
Robert F. Helfinstine

Dinosaurs & Past and Present

Page 1
Robert F. Helfinstine
Age of the Earth

The Age of the Earth

Page 1
Rev. Steve Lagoon
Big Bang

Book Review: Dismantling the Big Bang: God's Universe Rediscovered

Page 1
Dr. Henry M. Morris
Design Not Enough

Design Is Not Enough!

Page 1
Dr. Henry M. Morris
Evolution Math Impossible

The Mathematical Impossibility of Evolution

Page 1
Dr. William A. Bevier
Handy Dandy Refuting Evolution

Book: Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter

Page 1
Rev. Steve Lagoon
Gospel In The Stars

The Gospel in the Stars Controversy

Page 1
Bolton Davidheiser
Reconciling Evolution

Can Biblical Creation and Evolution Be Reconciled?

Page 1
Dr. Henry M. Morris
How to stop Creationists

How to Stop the Creationists

Page 1
Dr. John E Dahlin
Teaching Creation in School

Is Teaching of Creationism in the Public Schools a Lost Cause?

Page 1
Dr. Henry M. Morris
25 Year Review

Creationism's Rapid Growth, Looking Back 25 Years

Page 1
John S. Jennings
Evolution Contradiction

No Contradiction?

Page 1
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